When installing a septic system, there are many factors to consider. These factors play an essential role in ensuring your septic tank lasts longer. For a longer lifespan of your septic system, here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind.

What you need to do;
Get a license to install a septic tank
Most regions require a person to obtain a license that permits them to install a septic tank in their home. The septic system installation process requires professionals to prevent unsanitary water from leaking if the installation is not done well.
Find professionals to do a percolation test
This test is to see the soil type in your home or where you want to install the tank. It aims to find out the rate of absorption of the soil. The test lets the professionals see if the soil is suitable for installing a septic tank. This test is necessary before you can install it.
Measure the size of the septic system
Measure the size that corresponds to the water usage. It means you need to know how much water you use daily. If the septic tank is smaller than the water usage, it can overload or block quickly.
Get a professional to help give you the correct measurements to fit the water usage. If you plan on using more water in the future, you can account for this when measuring.
Get professionals to install the septic tank
If the soil passes the percolation test, find professionals trained and licensed to install septic tanks. Do your research online to get professionals around your region. You can also get recommendations from friends, families, and neighbours.
Request the professionals to recommend where you can build the septic system. The location should be away from water sources to prevent contamination.
The don’ts of a septic system installation
Don’t Install the septic system yourself
Do not attempt to build the system without the right experience and knowledge. Professionals are trained and licensed to know the suitable materials and measurements.
Find septic system contractors to build the septic tank to avoid making mistakes. It can help you avoid problems in the future when you are using the system.
Don’t install the septic system where you have water sources
Find a place far away from where you store water, like underwater tanks. It should also be away from where the piping of clean water. It prevents the water from getting contaminated.
Don’t install a septic system close to the public or children
The septic system produces toxic fumes that could harm children or adults if they leak. It is essential to check where you intend to install a septic system. Ensure it is a safe distance from where children or adults can easily reach.
If you plan to install a septic system, these few points can help you understand what to do. Find licensed contractors to help install the system and inform you what to do to maintain it.