The crime rate is rising, but that doesn’t mean you need to worry. If you’re arrested or charged with a crime, it’s essential to have an attorney by your side.
A criminal lawyer can help protect your rights and keep the situation under control until the charges are resolved. Here are some times when you should call a criminal lawyer:

If You’re Arrested
If you’re arrested, call a lawyer. If you’re unsure whether you should contact a lawyer and want to know more about your rights, name one!
If you don’t have a lawyer and need one immediately, ask for help from the police or any other officers present during the arrest process. They can assist with finding an attorney who will be available in time for your court appearance (or arraignment).
It is imperative if children are involved in the case or if other special needs, such as medical issues, require immediate attention.
Also, remember that if arrested without cause, all suspects have the right under the law not only to refuse but also refuse without consequence until released by authorities upon demanding proof that wrongdoing occurred.
If You’re Charged with a Crime
If you are charged with a crime, it is essential to get legal advice as soon as possible. It will allow your lawyer to help you understand the charges and your options.
Your lawyer may also be able to negotiate a deal with prosecutors or make an offer before going back to court for trial.
The right not to testify against yourself (called “the Fifth Amendment”). It means that if someone wants information from you under oath—for example, when testifying at trial—they cannot force you into saying anything against yourself unless there is another reason why this could benefit both parties involved, otherwise known as “double jeopardy.”
For example: if one person stole something from another and then gave it back after making sure they would not get caught doing so, that would count as double jeopardy since now both parties have lost something valuable due to their actions!
If the Police Question You
If the police question you, you can’t be forced to answer questions. You should never lie to the police and have a lawyer present during any questioning.
You may want to call a criminal lawyer if:
- The police ask whether you have weapons or drugs in your home (or car). It is an ubiquitous question that the police ask many people, and it is usually harmless until they get arrested for something else later on down the line.
- You see someone who looks like an overbearing authority figure asking about your personal life or other aspects of your life that don’t concern themself—and it makes sense why this person would want answers from me!
If you’re arrested, charged with a crime, or questioned by police and need legal representation, don’t wait to call an experienced criminal defense lawyer. The sooner you get an attorney on your side, the better your chances of getting off with minimal punishment or getting the charges reduced.For more legal help, you can contact our experienced lawyers such as criminal defense lawyers or impaired driving lawyers in brampton.